Monday, July 26, 2010

Breaking Dawn Will Have Sex Scene!


Well anyway, hopefully it will be more than is in the book.

According to Melissa Rosenberg, the Twilight Saga screen writer; Breaking Dawn may very well be the most graphic of the bunch.

“I don’t think we’re planning to shy away from anything,” she told "I think the birth should be as horrifying as it is in the novel. The sex scenes should be as scintillating as they are in the novel, as erotic as they are in the novel. All of it, I think we should see all of it.”

The scribe also teased a few details about where she plans to split the two films, “I can tell you that the break between the two movies will be somewhere around from her transition from a human, pregnant, newly-wed, to her being a vampire and a parent. Somewhere right in there we’ll find the break.” She jokes, “Where specifically? I’m not sure or I’m just not saying.”

What about Bella and Edward’s nuptials? Will it live up to fan’s expectations? According to Rosenberg, “We want it to be just a beautiful, lush, epic wedding. And I think it will be.”

The movie will be rated PG-13 so I can't imagine we will be seeing anything remotely relating to honeymoon sex.  Oh well, it looks like a kiss, feathers and a belly. We will have to imagine it all just like the book.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My Eclipse Review - The Twilight Saga - Amateur Movie Review

This past weekend, Clary and I headed out at the very last minute to see Eclipse. We strolled off hand in hand, giddy with expectation and excitement. It was one of our favorite books of the series and we were extremely READY to see it.

Both of us are early birds so we had at least 20 minutes to kill before the movie started. The theatre was ours for the first 15 minutes than others started coming in. The first was a chick by herself. The next a couple. Clary couldn't control herself and said something like, "hooray a guy." He said, "I was dragged". The next group were 4 women in their 40's. They sat right in front of us and like the die hard fans we are, (nothing was going to stop us from hearing every word in the movie which is why we waited 2 weeks to see the movie. We wanted NO NOISE.) we moved! Oh, yes, took our asses and snacks and moved 5 rows away from the hen house.

Another couple came in, Clary started singing "You are not alone!" Then another couple right before the movie started.

We held hands waiting for the movie to start. We do not speak during movies even when home. All talking commences after the movie. You would think we hated each other or at least didn't know each other.

So, with that huge unnecessary build up, the movie starts.

What I Can Tell You:
  • Bella is still unexcited about absolutely everything
  • The movie felt rushed
  • Edward is hot but hardly seen
  • It should be illegal for Jacob Black to wear a shirt ever
  • It should be illegal for any of us over 35 to lust after 18 year old Taylor Lautner
  • Charlie is hardly seen
  • There is way too much story for the 2 hour, 4 minute movie.
  • Back stories, new characters, missing dialogue and more.
  • If I didn't know the story, I would have been very confused.
  • The wolf pack look like they need some sandwiches. They are all skinny
  • It does not appear that Kristen Stewart is having a relationship with either of these guys outside the movie. The kisses were total movie kisses.
  • Rob and Kristen share some awkward hugs and kisses.
  • There was so much missing dialogue and some of it was changed or said by different characters. 
  • I loved it regardless of all the short comings. Some things just don't translate well to the screen. I am happy to see it come to life and can't wait for Breaking Dawn.
  • The scenes with the wolfs are so cool.
  • We couldn't stop talking about the change of Victoria. Bryce as Victoria's role is so small, why did they find the need to change her from Rachelle?
  • Jacob is so much funnier in the book
  • Jasper is hotter this time around
  • I am still Team Edward
  • We would have loved to see more scenes of the Wolfs and vampire practice fighting
  • We smiled during the Jacob/Edward/Bella Scenes

I am not sure if they used the Barbie dolls or the real actors for this shot but it totally looks like a bunch of Barbies to me.
Bree is so cute!
If I had two hot, devoted, would die for me guys in love with me, I would not be wearing this face.

Just saying!

Wait......I think I see a sorta smile here.  I stand corrected.

If you read the books, don't expect to love the movie. Go in excited for your beloved book to come to life, then go back and read the books. That is what I am doing.

However, I will be snatching up Eclipse on DVD as soon as I can!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

True Blood Knows How To Cast The Hot Guys!

First we had hot Eric but after last week I am asking, "Eric who?"

Ok, I love me some Alexander Johan Hjalmar Skarsgård Alexander as Eric is hot, sexy, and devilish. He was my first Eye Candy of 2010.

But, in steps werewolf Joe Manganiello, aka Alcide! Oh my. I have always had a thing for the lumberjack look and Joe carries it well.

Check him out walking in LA.
At 6'5" he is a tall glass of water just like Alex and since I am usually not attracted to light guys, I have to say, I am really looking forward to more of Joe on screen. Grrr....

One of the benefits of not having read past the first book in the Sookie Stackhouse series (True Blood) is that I have no idea what this characters arc is. I don't know how he plays into the story. The only thing I do know is that his character is in a big part of the books especially book 10. Since we are only on Season 3 I believe this is a good thing. Means loads of sexy Joe on the screen. I just hate that I have to wait 7 days to see him again!