Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Big Brother 9 - Til Death Do Us Part - POV

Sheila, Ryan and Nat are upset that Adam didn't put James up.

Adam tells Sharon that James will win the POV and use it on you. Why does he think this? Did James tell him this?

Adam is second guessing himself. He tells Sharon he think he did the wrong thing.

Poor pathetic Adam.

Sheila tells Adam she is shocked that he put her on the block. "I'm so sorry."

Nat, Adam and Sheila talk and he says, he is sorry and that "Satan's tongue got to him, mesmerized him." He wants to make it up to Ryan, Sheila and Nat. One of them have to win POV.

Nat is going to be "warrior princess Natty." Oh, I hate when people give themselves nicknames.

Nat, Adam and James come to an agreement. Sharon tells him that Nat wants him to think everyone is gunning for him so that he doesn't go after her.

Sharon and James have a nighttime conversation about their friends who have left and their morals. How much they like people and how James really isn't this evil.

James tells Sharon she is an amazing person and she tells him that she will always be there for him.

Poor mommy Sheila is cleaning up after adult slobs.

Veto Competition underway and it looked like in Nat's words, "A desert paradise".

Nat was the first one eliminated after saying this game is about numbers and she should win. Sheila was the next one out. James out! Sharon Gone! Ryan wins!!!

Sharon tells Sheila that Nat tried to make a deal with James. Sheila is sure that Nat will betray her.

Sheila tries to talk to Ryan and they discuss Nat and where they stand with her.

James tries to plead with Ryan about not using the veto.

Ryan asks James if Nat has gone to him to strike a deal.

Interesting. Why did he trust what James was saying? I mean she did say it but why didn't he go to Nat?

Ryan calls a veto meeting and removes Sheila from the block.

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