Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Big Brother 9 Til Death Do Us Part - Episode 28

The house is secretly pushing Nat out of the house.

Nat tells Adam that they are going to win POV.

Sharon, Sheila and Nat have a girl party in Sheila's HOH. They bad mouth Adam and how upset he is over being on the block.

Sheila tells Diary that she bashes him because she doesn't want the girls to know that she wants to take him to the end.

In front of Nat; Sheila and Ryan make sure Adam knows he isn't the target.

While Nat sunbathes the rest of the house talks about her counting and her bible lectures.

I wonder where Nat's "feelings" about things are right now. I thought she gets these feelings that tell her what to expect or what is going on.

The POV competition gets underway with the houseguests having to put together various puzzles. Nat is the first one out and at the end says she is a "visual learner" and feels good about her time.

Ryan's time is 6 minutes 1 second, Sheila has 15 minutes and 30 seconds, Adam gets 3 minutes and 20 seconds, Nat has 12 minutes and nine seconds and Sharon gets four minutes 56 seconds, making Adam the winner.

Adam is off the block and is elated.

Sheila tells Sharon that Adam is taking himself off and Nat is going up and out.

Nat knows she is going up due to the slim pickings. She asks the guys to keep her and not send her to sequester. He tells her that she can count her him. Everything she wants to hear.

Ryan tells Nat he is going to HOH to break Sharon and Sheila up. He heads up and Sheila talks about how Nat has to go. He agrees and says, if she wants him to send her home he will.

Nat goes to Sheila because she is worried that Sharon is throwing her under the bus. Sheila feels bad lying to Nat but feels that Nat has lied to her and she will be going home. Sheila reassures her that everything is ok.

For Sheila's birthday, Adam, Ryan and Nat decorate with the help of BB.

Sheila's gift and letter is from her mom. Sheila wasn't aware that her mom watches the show. Her mom is a big fan of BB and has watched all 9 seasons. Sheila had never told her that she was going on. She and her mom have not spoken since Thanksgiving.

Sharon and Adam discuss Chatty Natty. Sharon tells Adam that everyone wants to take her to the end because she will never be able to win. She won't have the votes.

Adam goes to Ryan and tells him what Sharon told him. Ryan tells him that is what she has to say.

Ryan thinks taking Nat to the end will be better in the end but will he get to the end if he keeps her.

Sheila tells the boys to not do one to one because she doesn't want to be the one to kick her out. She is worried about getting blood on her hands in the end.

Sheila is pissed that Adam says he might give Nat a pitty vote because he needs to worry about himself in the end. Sheila threatens to put Ryan on the block and walks inside.

Adam holds the POV and takes himself off. Sheila makes her speech about why she has evicted Natalie.

Nat takes the block and still feels safe. I wonder what will happen. Will her alliance stay as strong as she thinks. It is totally Adam and Ryan's game right now.

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