Thursday, August 21, 2008

Big Brother 10 Live Elimination 8-21--08

Yeah, yeah, BB10; I kind of gave up on this show when I felt like a job to watch it. I did watch tonight and I was happy to see April go.

I feel bad that Ollie and her will not get to continue their little lovefest but oh well, someone had to go and it was time to break that showmance or as Ollie's father stated "showmass". He doesn't know what a showmass is. It's kind of cute that he said showmass giving that he is a preacher and all.

As for who is going to win....I truly don't care. There is not one person in the house that I find appealing in that "oh I hope they win, way"

Jerry - Lost me when he was shouting "judus" and "shut up" to people.

Keesha - And her confrontational ways annoys me.

Michelle - Just annoys me because she reminds me of someone of my family. She was a little crazy when Jessie was let go and kept shouting avenging lines at the camera to him.

Renny - I actually like Renny but I think she is tired and isn't really playing the game right now.

Dan - I really am not sure where I stand with Dan. On 1 hand I like him than he plays for the camera so I am not sure who he really is. Is he the great coach, spiritual, good guy or is he a total tool who is playing all of us as the underdog?

Memphis - You know, maybe Memphis. He hasn't rubbed me the wrong way too much. He stands up for what he believes in but I don't feel like he has has a chance to be in the spotlight enough to show me his true colors yet.

Ollie - Ummm...he doesn't rub me the wrong way either. I like Ollie. He stays true to his alliance and always tries to be diplomatic when he deals with everyone.

I am glad April is gone though! It will be interesting to see who Ollie aligns himself with now.

Who will be the new head of household? Only time will tell.

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