Thursday, July 17, 2008

Big Brother 10 - Episode 3

So, Brian gets back doored, is anyone surprised?

I am happy to see a live crowd during the live show just like the first season. I like it.

Dan is shocked that his alliance went down in flames.

Brian goes to Jerry to find out who wanted him put up. Out of their alliance, Ollie is the traitor and they sit and discuss. Jerry tells him that if he didn't put Brian up than he would have gone home next week.

Julie tells the house guests that there is a live audience then asks Jessie if she and Renny have buried the hatchet. Jessie says "you have to give respect to get respect and she hasn't shown me any yet."

Renny says, that Jessie has a lot to learn and hopefully this experience has given him

Brian and Dan talk as if they wouldn't have done the same thing in Ollie or Jerry's position.

The guys confront Ollie and tell him to never show his cards. They are upset that he gave his word and went back on it. They laugh about how he crumbled for April.

Ollie and April share a kiss while lying in bed. She asks and he does.

Brian wants to turn the girls against each other. He also turns to Steven who is standing alone and not in an alliance. Steven tells him that he will do what he can to help him.

Brian is taking a different approach; now he wants to be everyone's friend and not form a solid alliance with one or two people. Now, he wants to make everyone happy and have them enjoy themselves. How else to do this but to take our socks and entertain them with a puppet show of course.

Brian, Dan, Steve Memphis and Angie head outside and make sock puppets. They laugh about a Renny sock.

Angie plays Julie Chen as she talks to the Renny puppet and the Jessie puppet. It was actually quite funny. Then they do a April and Ollie puppet show with April being reminded to put her top on while in the diary room and Ollie saying, "where you at, guuurrrlll!"

Steven wants to keep Brian and talks about trying to change the vote of the house.

Angie talks to Keesha to see if she can get her to swing her vote for Brian to stay because he is "like the funnest person in the house."

April and Libra discuss how Angie is digging herself in a whole and is she trying to piss them off.

Keehsa and April go at it in the backyard in front of everyone. Keesha asks that they trust her and not talk "shit" about her. April yells at her to come over to her side of the yard. Meeeoooowwww..

Ollie removes April and Michelle approaches Keesha asking her to stick to the plan. Keesha says she can't stand April. Ollie tries to talk to Keesha while we see Memphis walking behind a frantic, crying April. Bwaahhh, I love all these tears. They were worried about the drama between Jessie and Renny? It was only a matter of time before these bitches went at it.

Renny goes looking for a crying April who is with Keesha in her room. Renny, asks her if she is alright and April sobs on her shoulder.

Julie tells the houseguests they have a live audience.

Jerry as HOH talks to Julie. He says he had a hard to betraying Brian and how he didn't bring the military into it when he dealt with this situation.

Renny feels that she has gained the respect of her housemates with how she acted while on the chopping black.

Brian wants to remind everyone that this is just a game.

1st ive Voting and Eviction of the season are underway...

April, Libra, Michelle, Ollie, Keesha, Jessie, Memphis, Steven and Angie all vote to evict - Brian
Dan votes to evict Renny.

So, it's official and Brian the self proclaimed "Mastermind" is the first evicted this season.

Quietly everyone says good-bye to Brian who walks out to the cheering crowd.

Brian says he was building an army and didn't realize there was anyone on the other side. He says he got a little bit ahead of himself.

Brian tells Julie that everyone needs to watch out for Memphis. We shall see.

HOH competition begins...and everyone except Jerry has to answer questions based on how the majority answers.

Memphis is the first one eliminated. Renny and Keesha are out next, Michelle, Dan and April out! Angie likes Jerry in Honey she is out next. Down to a tie breaker question and Jessie wins.

Jessie is the new HOH.

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