Thursday, February 28, 2008

Big Brother Till Death Recap 8

Like holy crap I have been calling Sharon, Shannon. Could someone have corrected me????

Ok so Julie tells us about Alex and Amanda and Matt and Nat being on the block after Josh and Sharon decide to honor HOH's wishes and not use the POV.

Alex tells us that he likes Matt and will not campaign against him. Matt says he likes Alex but is going to do what it takes to stay in the house.

Matt and Adam are talking outside and Matt tells Adam, "just try to make me stay." Umm...were they ever really close? I don't recall but Adam tells Matt that he's "got him." They shake and move on.

We see Matt spotting Natalia who is weight lifting in a red bikini. Big Brother keeps showing us Allison sitting on the couch eating and watching them so I am guessing that we will now see Allison in Diary hating on Nat.

Voice over Allison tells us that it hit her that Matt and Nat are already strong and will be tough to beat. Does she mean strong strength wise or strong as a couple? I am confused.

Next we see her heading to the HOH room. Her brilliant idea to the folks in the HOH room are that "Matt and Nat have been eating real food all week plus they are strong. Alex and Amanda have been on slop all week, plus they have been on the block all week which makes them weaker. Just something to think about." I honestly am not sure what difference this makes in the scheme of the rest of their time in the BB house. Slop won't be forever but whatever I guess they are thinking Amanda and Alex will not be able to win HOH from being so tired.
Adam tells her "You've put a lot of thought in this girl" and that he is voting for Matt to stay in the house.
Allison says she would rather send home Matt and Nat. I am confused as to when the house guests started listening to her and why did she run to HOH and not to her partner Ryan with this brain storm?
James is thinking of possibly putting Operation Condor on hold and getting rid of Matt and Nat.

We then see Matt telling Nat that he has Adam on his side and now she has to remind Josh and Sharon to vote to keep them in the house.

Editing makes me think that Matt and Nat are going home. We'll see.

Nat goes to Sharon and Josh and tells them that Adam and Sheila are going to vote to keep them in and that Sheila can't stand Amanda. She promises that if she and Matt get HOH they will be safe next week.

We get to see James's story and how he has bicycled all over the place.

Chelsia talks about how she was a brat and very invovled in choir and ice skating, science club. Then the shocker...Chelsia tells James that if she wins the money she is donating to Make A Wish. I am shocked! You?

She also tells James that if they win they should bike across the US together. Cute.

Julie asks James about the house and he says that everyone has lost themselves and they are very materialistic "they want new cars, houses" and when Julie asks what he wants with the money he answers like a true 21 year old. "I want inspire people to bike around the world, go back to LA, party with some friends and hit the road." Ummm ok.

Sheila and Adam vote to evict Alex and Amanda because he had told James that he would follow Operation Condor.

Josh and Sharon vote to evict Alex and Amanda. Josh seems very sad about this and puts his head down when he says their names.

Ryan and Allison vote to evict Amanda and Alex.

I am actually very sad by this because I think Natalia needs to go but whatever.

Ok...I need Allison to go. I can't take her face anymore. Her and her phony self piss me off.

The New HOH competition is about the "Love" quotes all around the house. The girls face off and Sharon wins that round. Then the guys face off and Josh wins. So....Sharon and James are the new Head of Household.

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