Thursday, March 27, 2008

American Idol Elimination

Does anyone else hate the group performances as much as I do? It is like watching Donny & Marie or The Brady Bunch Variety Hour (I totally just aged myself didn't I?). The songs and dances are so damn hokey.

Last night I watched Ghost Hunters (sue me, it's my absolute favorite show, and the only one my husband and I watch together these days) and it was fabulous as usual. Check them out if you have never had a chance.

I got to read the recap on (one of the best recap sites out there).

Because self promotion is so damn important when you are a lonely blogger I just wanted to add that Tuesday I wrote my bottom 3 and (insert me brushing off my invisible lapel) guess what I was correct with 2 out of 3 and correct with my pick to be sent packing. Yup...I'm right up there with John friggin Edwards and Sylvia Effin Brown.

Except from Tuesday's post
The Best for Me Tonight - Michael John
Bottom 3 - Jason, Chikeze, Carly
Honorable Mention - David Cook
Going Home Pick - Chikeze

So there you have it, Chikeze has been eliminated. I love Chikeze but it is a talent contest and not a personality contest. There were stronger singers and someone had to go.

1 comment:

maryt/theteach said...

Angelwings, I don't watch American Idol but I watched your videos. Interesting...Thanks for visiting me and commenting on my circus TT13! I appreciate it! :D