Monday, March 31, 2008

Amateur Movie Review - The Invisible

The Invisible was just on pay-per-view last month and now it is on cable. What gives? I am so glad we didn't order it for $4.95 last weekend.

Anyway, The Invisible is about a dude who gets beat up by some punk ass bitch and left for dead. He is stuck between the world of the living and the dead and he is running out of time to save himself. He must let someone know where his body is so that he can be saved only no one can hear him except the bitch who kicked the life out of him. Sound stupid? Well, it kinda was.

I had high hopes for the movie because it was from the same producers who gave us Sixth Sense (a great movie).

The acting was all wrong, the script was too long and juvenile and the ski-cap girl, Annie, the killer with the soft heart for her little brother with the killer kick boxing skills was just plain annoying.

I was annoyed by the lead Nick Powell (Justin Chatwin) character played by the same guy who played Tom Cruise's kid in War Of the Worlds. His face scared me at times. His eyes are too blue and his skin too white. There was one point where he is in the water trying to drag his lifeless body out and he looks up to the heavens and shouts "help" to obviously no one because no one can hear him, his face scared me. I was worried I might have nightmares. Aggghh..

More weirdness is when he is hit by a car, then run over by a truck, he gets knocked around as he walks through the crowded school hall, yet no one knows he's there.

Tear factor: I cried during a scene where his mother sobs for her lost son.

Marcia Gay Harden who plays his mom and Callum Keith Rennie a detective are under used. I wonder if the detective character was originally more important to the story.

A technical film problem - when Annie and her loser boyfriend hot wire a Mercedes Benz. Mercedes Benz cannot be started in any way without the electronic key. It's called DAS, Drive Authorization System and there would have been no way that even her loser mechanic boyfriend could have pulled this one off. I love stuff like this.

Movie Quotes:

Nick Powell: Pete! This isn't the way out! If you die, I die! God, Pete, you're my last hope!

Nick Powell: Mom, I'm dead.

Pete: Don't believe me. He didn't do it. I lied to save my own ass. He was supposed to be on a plane. You killed Nick for nothing.

Nick Powell: I saw your face last night, Annie, and for a minute there I bet you would've traded places with me.

Nick Powell: I know this sounds weird, but you're the only one who can save me. How messed up is that?

Overall Rating From Chotskies: C


Sunday, March 30, 2008

Big Brother 9 Recap

We begin with Chelsia leaving and then Nat winning HOH.

I also love BB's editing. The whole Natalie playing Hide and Seek with the boys happened when Matt was in the house so why show it now? To make her seem odder?

Josh is beside himself that he lost HOH to Natalie who he feels is a blubbering idiot. Oh well, she kicked your ass buddy, get over it.

Nat is very excited that America thought she would give an inspirational speech.

Natalie, Adam and Ryan discuss the whole coming of Christ thing. Basically they rehash how all signs (in Nat's eyes) pointed to her winning. Something like, she was wearing the coordinating colors of the HOH competition, her birthday is on election day, week 7, question 7, etc, etc, etc.

Josh and James discuss how Nat's number thing is crazy and it changes all the time. Last week she was obsessing on the number 8 and now it is 7.

James goes to HOH to discuss with Nat a possible alliance. He tells her that they have to call "final 2" and they both say it. Na, na, na, na, na...I love the whole calling and pinky swears on this show over the last 9 seasons. If I was in the BB house would I regress to my elementray school yard ways? Umm.

As for the food competition, everyone is on slop except Adam and Nat as HOH.

James moops around as he missing Chelsia, Nat pines for Matt as she stares at his picture on the wall with a glass of red wine in her hand. The houseguests chuckle about this in the backyard. Sharon asks if they think Matt liked her and they all say No.

James is missing Chelsia and Nat is missing Matt, I think a silent alliance with the two of them could actually bring them to the final 2.

Natalie nominates James and Josh and the spoiler is......

James wins POV so I wonder who Nat will put up. Sharon? Ryan? Sheila? Ummmmm....

Amateur Review of 30 Days of Night

Before I forget what I thought about this movie which I saw the same weekend I watched this one, here are my thoughts:

30 Days of Night was released in October 2007. It stars Josh Hartnett and some chick named Melissa George. My husband really liked it. I, not so much.

I was distracted by a couple of things:

1. Josh was so GROWN. I mean, I know it has been a few years since Pearl Harbor and Black Hawk Down, but really... It was like seeing a cousin you hadn't seen in ages and still remember them as they were the last time you saw them.

2. Everyone, especially Melissa George who plays Josh's ex-wife, and the kid who plays Josh's brother needed a crate of Chap stick on their lips. Shit, I know they are in Alaska and it is friggin cold but keep that shit in your pocket and lube up your smackers once in a while.

3. The Vampires (oh yeah it's a movie about Vampires, I left that out didn't I), where just weird. The head guy, Marlow is like the unpopular, geeky, middle age guy in the next cubicle at work that you have to say hi to but gives you the creeps. Marlow speaks in a weird, ancient language and the other vampires just shriek. Annoying.

Back to the movie...

Josh is a sheriff and this weird dude (Ben Foster - who I remember from Six Feet Under as Claire art friend. Remember him?) comes ashore and starts creating havoc just as the town is shutting down for the 30 days of night. All hell breaks lose. He leads a group of survivors to a hidden attic where they will wait out the darkness.

There is dead dogs, beheading, blood galore, screaming, explosions, shrieking, feeding frenzies, ax murder, and a little vampire girl who is happily feeding on someone before she is killed. Even at the final show down I was waiting for the Lost Boys music to kick in.

None of this is enough for me to give this movie any more than a C+ and that is because I thought Josh was cute. The premise was good but the acting and directing were pathetic and the there were too many images of bloody children for my taste.

Big Brother 9 Spoilers

I have been so anxious to hear how Natalie has been handling HOH but haven't had the time to check out the feeds until today.

Nat has put him James and Josh for nomination and I am not the least bit surprised.

Here are Nat, Josh, James, Josh and Adam trying to get Sheila back for something she said to Nat about shoes on the counter. I love these stupid little pranks they play on each other.

The girls sun and discuss Chelsia and James

The guys toilet paper Sheila's room

Sheila finds her bedroom prank

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Amateur Book Review - At First Sight

About 4 night ago I finished At First Sight by Nicholas Spark. I am not a huge fan of this type of writing but my dear Friend is.

Romance books are not my thing but I have seen The Notebook (one of my favorite movies) and A Walk to Remember, both by adapted from Spark books and I loved them.

At First Sight, wasn't torture for me to get through but I didn't crave to get back to it. I love that feeling of wanting to read all the time. Getting engrossed in the characters and the story and as you get toward the end, you don't want to read the last few pages because you don't want it to end. This was not that kind of book for me.

The book is about Jeremy a writer and Lexie, a librarian he meets when he visits a small town to get a story for his column. Maybe if I had read True Believer the precursor to this book I would have liked it better?!

It was supposed to be this great love story of this couple who come from very different backgrounds and after she gets pregnant try to make a go of it. I didn't find the relationship strong or loving. I didn't particularly like Lexie and was often left wondering why Jeremy stayed.

There is a level of mystery but I have never been a great fan of that either so for me it was unnecessary.

As Lexie's pregnancy become problematic the story became more interesting for me. I felt like the story just dragged then this was this problem, and the story just took off for me.

It was like when you are sitting in traffic, moving at 2 miles an hour for a long period of time and then the traffic clears, you see no indication as to why it was slow to begin with, and you are suddenly doing 65 miles an hour with no cars in front of you.

The ending was abrupt and sad but not sad enough to bring tears to the eyes of this usual cry baby.
I am sure for Nicholas Sparks fans this book was everything they had hoped for. For me, not so much. Not to say it is badly written, just not my cup of tea as they say.

Big Brother Recap - Bye-Bye Chelsia

Sorry for the very late post on last night BB.

Long story short - Chelsia, who showed her really ugly colors in last nights episode, was sent packing.

Loved the montage of Chelsia watching Natalie. "Old-Timers" instead of Alzheimer's was funny and annoying and one could see how it could be annoying after a while. Imagine spending DAAAAYYYYYS with the SAME people day in and day out.

Nat is coloring Easter Eggs, really enjoying herself.

Chelsia wanting to go "out with a bang" and starts throwing and smashing some of Nat's eggs. Totally unprovoked, and seeming a bit manic. It was odd and uncomfortable and if I was a houseguest I would have totally backed out of the room. What the hell.

She laughs and tells Nat to "come on, have some fun!" Because I guess smashing just colored Easter Eggs all over the kitchen is some sort of fun. Maybe if I had asymmetrical hair and a pierced face I would get it, but I don't and I don't. Huh?

Nat, keeping her cool, finishes her wine and leaves the room.

James asks her if she wants to go to sleep because he knows she is being ridiculous and doesn't want to go down with her.

She continues to smash eggs and starts shouting out ridiculous comments like "what are you going to do? Evict me? Evict me? I was thinking about this time that BB should have sent in Dr. Drew from MTV to talk her down or something.

She is sitting at the table saying she is going to "do a puzzle" when she states that "she is not the artist of the group, Natalie is" then precedes to yell "Natalie help me. You white trash."

The whole time Nat is painting her toenails and saying things out loud to herself like, "she hates me because I am her biggest threat and she does this to make herself feel better."

Everyone unanimously vote to evict Chelsia who has loads to say in Josh and James ear on her way out the door. She also tells Adam to "get a backbone he's been playing the game like a baby, Sheila, you have been ridden hard and put away wet and Natalie, educate yourself."

I say good riddance.

The next HOH has the house guests wearing ummm....latex, S&M gloves, one white and one red along with white goggles. They are going to answer questions and advance in the game if they are correct. No one can see who is ahead because of the goggles and we get to see Nat moving ahead of the pack.

Julie tells us there is a new HOH and congratulations Natalie.

Nat is shocked, screams, jumps up and down. We hear Sheila or Sharon telling her "see, it's your time. You get to see your family." Ryan walks over and she throws herself into his arms and wraps her legs around him.

It should be an interesting week.

American Idol Elimination

Does anyone else hate the group performances as much as I do? It is like watching Donny & Marie or The Brady Bunch Variety Hour (I totally just aged myself didn't I?). The songs and dances are so damn hokey.

Last night I watched Ghost Hunters (sue me, it's my absolute favorite show, and the only one my husband and I watch together these days) and it was fabulous as usual. Check them out if you have never had a chance.

I got to read the recap on (one of the best recap sites out there).

Because self promotion is so damn important when you are a lonely blogger I just wanted to add that Tuesday I wrote my bottom 3 and (insert me brushing off my invisible lapel) guess what I was correct with 2 out of 3 and correct with my pick to be sent packing. Yup...I'm right up there with John friggin Edwards and Sylvia Effin Brown.

Except from Tuesday's post
The Best for Me Tonight - Michael John
Bottom 3 - Jason, Chikeze, Carly
Honorable Mention - David Cook
Going Home Pick - Chikeze

So there you have it, Chikeze has been eliminated. I love Chikeze but it is a talent contest and not a personality contest. There were stronger singers and someone had to go.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

American Idol - Michael Johns sings We Are The Champions

American Idol's David Cook covers Michael Jackon's Billie Jean, Chris Cornell Style

How friggin awesome is this?

David Cook sings Michael Jackson's Billie Jean and Rocked it out. Nice!

Here is Chris Cornell's version. Similiaritis? Yes. But different.

Amateur Movie Review - I Am Legend

This weekend the holiest of the Catholic holidays; my husband and I decided to watch a vampire and a zombie movie. What is up with that???

Anyway, the zombie movie was the Will Smith version of Vincent Price's, Last Man on Earth, I Am Legend. It was relatively good for me. My husband didn’t like it although he didn’t fall asleep so how bad could it be?

I liked it a lot. I compared it to Castaway with Tom Hanks in that a big part of the movie played up the loneliness and loss of this one person who has survived a catastrophe epidemic.

The visuals of a lost, overgrown, "survival of the fittest" Manhattan were eerie but not overly frightening.

The special effects didn’t overpower the suburb acting of Will Smith. He is believable in everything he does.

In this movie he is Robert Neville a Lieutenant Colonel living in New York City, surviving nicely with his one companion (the family dog), and a few mannequins he talks to while he goes about his daily life.

He spends the day trying to find a cure, looking for other survivors through his radio broadcast where he waits at South Street Sea Port "when the sun is highest in the sky", playing golf and going into various buildings looking for usable items.

We see how he lost his family and how and everything he has seen haunts him 3 years after the fact.

The movie is scary in the fact that with Sars, West Nile, and other pandemics we have seen in the 21st century that it wouldn't be impossible to imagine the world that I am Legend depicts.

Movie Quotes worth noting:

Neville: My name is Robert Neville. I am a survivor living in New York City. I am broadcasting on all AM frequencies. I will be at the South Street Seaport everyday at mid-day, when the sun is highest in the sky. If you are out there... if anyone is out there... I can provide food, I can provide shelter, I can provide security. If there's anybody out there... anybody... please. You are not alone.

Neville: Behavioral note - an infected male exposed himself to sunlight today. Now it's possible decreased brain function or growing scarcity of food is causing them to... ignore their basic survival instincts. Social de-evolution appears complete. Typical human behavior is now entirely absent.

Neville: All right, let me tell you about your "God's plan". Six billion people on Earth when the infection hit. KV had a ninety-percent kill rate, that's five point four billion people dead. Crashed and bled out. Dead. Less than one-percent immunity. That left twelve million healthy people, like you, me, and Ethan. The other five hundred and eighty-eight million turned into your dark seekers, and then they got hungry and they killed and fed on everybody. Everybody! Every *single* person that you or I has ever known is dead! Dead! There is no god!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

American Idol - Top 10

Tonight Idol is doing songs from the year the contestants were born.

The kiddies needed to be held tonight so I was unable to type the judges comments on the first 2 contestants.

Ramiele - Alone - I was very eager to hear her attempt a Heart song. She suffered a little vocally on the high parts but then we hear that she is fighting a cold or her voice went "bye-bye"

Jason Castro - Fragile - It was good for me but I love Jason. I love his easy nature and his sexy eyes. The Spanish thing was good too.

Syesha Mercado - If I were your women - It was good. I like Syesha but she is just flying under the radar for me.

Randy - Loved it.

Paula - This is the one that everyone will remember

Simon - The best so far. I don't think the end was as good as Randy thought.

Chikeze - If Only For One Night - He did ok. I think Chikeze can sing but I don't think he can win. I like Chikeze he has an adorable, likable personality but can he shine brighter than some others? I don't know.

Randy - This was old school. I didn't love it. It wasn't hip and cool. There was no energy.

Paula - You are a throw back. A good throw back. I think you did a great job with the textures of your vocals.

Simon - I think you sang it well. I thought the performance was cheesy. I miss your personality.

Brooke White - Every Breath You Take - I would go see Brooke sing. I really think she is good. She is pure, unique and talented. I don't know that she can WIN this competition because while I dig her there are stronger singers. After saying that, I think she has mega talent.

Randy - Great song. I thought the front part was good. When you got to the bridge I didn't like the arrangement. I was alright.

Paula - I enjoyed this so much more than last week. You are unique and have your own niche. One note I know it's Brooke.

Simon - I totally agree with Randy. If you had stayed without the band, just you on piano it was very old fashion. Good enough to keep you in another week. The first half, even with the mistake it was fantastic.

Michael Johns - We Are the Champions - Loved his personal video wearing a skully cap he looked Hoooootttttttt! I tried not to watch him perform so as not to be swayed by his looks. Even without looking he sounds awesome so there! I thought he did really well but that is just me. It seemed like we were watching someone perform at the Grammys not watching a talent contest. Good sign: Paula is standing.

Randy - Check it out. Finally you believe in yourself. You used that big old voice. That is the best performance for me since you have been on this show.

Paula - This was your shining moment. I am so proud of you.

Simon - This is the first time with you that I saw Star Potential. Tonight you just got it right. You looked like a front person. It was the only memorable performance of the night so far.

Carly Smithson - Total Eclipse of the Heart - I can't wait to hear her sing this. I love Carly's big curly, blonde fro in her baby pictures. Love it! Ahhh Carly gave me chills. I love this song. I want her to just belt it out. There were a few times that I thought she held off a bit on the vocals. I wanted louder and stronger but it was still good.

Randy - Yo. Yo. Interesting song choice. I didn't love it, I liked it. I was just ok. The run at the end wasn't in tune.

Paula - I so admire that you can take any song and make me a believer. The end showed me that you can go and stretch yourself.

Simon - Something didn't work. You were so tense and almost uptight. I didn't enjoy it as much as I wanted to. I think you have to lighten up.

David Archuleta - You're the Voice - I don't even know this song. It was ok but it sounded like a was at a high school talent night. It really was just ok. Maybe it was because I don't know it but I will forget this performance before the next hour.

Randy - It was a strange song choice but you can sing or whatever. It was very nice.

Paula - I think all of us were trying to figure out the song. You could sing the phone book.

Simon - I actually didn't like it at all. It was reminiscent of a theme park performance. It was one of those ghastly songs when you have animated creatures and everyone joins in together. I would be amazed if you chose the song yourself because it is not you.

Kristy Lee Cook - God Bless the U.S.A. - This is a song that I absolutely love but only by Lee Greenwood. Maybe Kristy will do well who knows. I love the new longer extensions and I thought she did a good job with this song. I just wish she had a stronger voice. I would love to hear more power.

Randy - Great song choice. Some pitch problems but a very nice performance. Good choice.

Paula - Good choice. Your voice was much stronger. You're growing.

Simon - Your best performance by a mile. That was the most clever song choice that I have heard in years. I thought it was a good performance and that is going to keep you in the competition.

David Cook - Billie Jean - I am excited to hear this. It was like the version Nickelback would do if they sang Billie Jean. Ummm...I love David Cook and I am not sure if I love this version. It may be a little self indulgent for Simon but as he moves into the middle of the song I am actually loving it. Wow, this could play on the radio now and kids would love it. Can you change a song any more than he has this one? If you didn't know the words to Billie Jean you would never guess this was it.

Randy - Check it out. I think you are the most original, bold we have ever had. You might be the one to win the whole lot.

Paula - I can't sit down because I have to tell you how bold you are. I think you are brilliant.

Simon - That was great. It could have been insane or amazing. I have to tell you that was amazing.

The Best for Me Tonight - Michael John
Bottom 3 - Jason, Chikeze, Carly
Honorable Mention - David Cook
Going Home Pick - Chikeze

Monday, March 24, 2008

Big Brother 9 Till Death Do Us Part - Episode 18

We see the recap of Adam winning the HOH from last week.

Nat comes in and Adam is packing. "Why to friggin go Baller." I don't even remember why this is his nickname.

Next up is Sheila who hugs him and says "be my hero." What is that? All of a sudden she is going to kiss his ass after trying to throw him under a bus recently.

Nat tells Chelsia that everyone knows the house is divided and she already knows what is going to happen, "one of you guys is going home."

Nat and Ryan talk about the numbers and how the new Natty is here. Ryan is seems to be going along with the ride but he seems about fed up with everyone and just will kiss whosever's ass he has to.

Nat says she has Adam's HOH figured out and they are going to start taking people out. Why is Nat playing Adam's HOH? Why would he let her?

I loved Joshuahs face when Sharon was talking to her "babies" the friggin guinea pigs. Too funny. That would absolutely drive me crazy. I love that BB is finally showing us that she isn't obsolete to ridiculousness like the rest of the weirdos in here.

Adam shows off his HOH room and boink (BB sound effect), "what is all this baby food" Natalie asks?

He seems to have wished that everyone would just ignore it. I mean seriously, there was a ton of baby. The refrigerator was stocked with it. He says if it was his mother, he needs to talk to her because "she didn't do a good job at all." He likes baby food but not a lot of it.

Nat hopes that he will share some with her "because it is really yummy and it's good for you".

Truth be told, I love me some baby food and I sometimes even use a tiny little demitasse spoon but that was long before kids. Now the thought of it just grosses me out. I do use the mixed vegetables, spinach, sweet potato and others in my cakes, sauces and cookies but that is to make sure the kids are eating some veggies. Oh crap...enough about me....that is what my other blog is for.

Sheila starts questioning the house guests to see what they know about nominations. Josh tells her that she and he are going up. He loved it. She was really upset and then her stomach hurt. Hahahah...

He went to Adam to ask to be his bitch. "Please don't put me up".

Sheila talks to Adam and talks about how shocked she is that he would put her up. "Now you are going to do this for me?" The interesting thing here is that he didn't say he was putting her up but she kept on and I think she may have just gotten herself nominated.

The houseguests get to compete for a luxury gift, a movie screening of 21. Everyone is excited and they head outside to play 21. Adam is the dealer and Ryan wins the game.

Ryan gets to pick 3 others to see the movie with him. He picks Adam, Natalie and James. They are excited and everyone else especially Sheila bummed that he didn't pick her. I was actually a little surprised that he didn't pick Josh because don't they have a shhhh secret alliance?

Then...Adam asks if he is a gambling man. He is. He will play 1 hand of blackjack and if he wins he gets a prize package valued over $21,000 VIP trip for 2 to Las Vegas and $5,000 in chips on top of the screening. If he loses, he doesn't get the trip and the houseguests he didn't chose get to see the screening.

He loses! Sheila, Sharon, Josh and Chelsia jump up and down as they take in the fact that they will be seeing the screening.

Nat is reading her bible and praying. She asks that God open her "eyes to see new clues on what the game might be about. Please make them vivid and bright" so that she can see it. Just then she notices the pink curtains in the bedroom. There are 8. She goes to Sheila and tells her and together they discuss the 8 clues that Nat has found so far. There are 8 ducks and rocks behind the couch and 8 vases, 8 pillows, 8 trees in the bathroom, 8 pictures in the salon, and 8 sayings.

I loved when she left to leave saying she was going to "go study" and "go count stuff" and walked away. Sheila who was on an elliptical was like "ah, oh, alright".

Nat is sitting in the living room looking at the deer on the wall. The camera shots to her and then to the deer and back. The music from BB is so funny. Then Nat quietly says, "OK" as if she was talking to someone. Weird and creepy. Is that BB editing or did she hear a message from a higher power? We will never know.

The table downsizes. I love this every season. When the houseguests come in and see just how many people have come and gone and they reflect on how fast the games is going and how far they have come.

Interestingly enough as crazy as Nat seems she says that perhaps the next 8 is for Evel Dick who has 8 letters which she kindly shows us on her hands in case we can't. Weird, Julie told us last week that Dick was coming back.

Adam and Nat are playing pool and talking and he tells her that he doesn't know what to do and she tells him to put up James and Chelsia. He tells her he wants to put up Sheila "because she is tough."

Nat tells him in so many words that's a bone move and that he can beat Sheila.

Adam puts James and Chelsia. Nat tells us that she is no longer nice Natty she is now naughty, nasty Natalia.

Uh huh!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Big Brother 9 Spoiler

So if you read the spoilers on my last post you know that James and Chelsia are on the chopping block.

Rumor on the feeds is that James won POV. It appears that Evil Dick from last season was the host.

Sheila, Adam and Chelsia talk about Evil Dick

Ryan's Grandfather passed away here is the video of him reading the letter to Sheila

James is going to take himself off the block and Sharon tells Adam to put her up and she is sure that Chelsia will leave.

Chelsia and Nat have a major blow out. Chelsia attacks Nat about abortion and her religion. (I am choosing to keep my personal opinion on this whole thing and just posting for the sake of my blog and those whose chose to read - if you are easily insulted do not watch this video)

Chelsia and nat draw their claws

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Big Brother 9 Recap - Bye Bye Matty Bye Bye

I am so glad to see Boston Matt walk out the door. He deserved to walk more than anyone else so far this season.

His cocky attitude was wearing thin. He thought he had it in the bag and James sent him packing. Loved it. Favorite episode yet.

I am little scared for Nat with him out of the house but maybe she will be able to play the game for herself and not for someone who has no respect for her.

It was so comical watching Matt walk around crying to everyone when he did a whole lot of "in your face" when he was taken off the block last week or the week before.

He told James that he felt like he let everyone down and he had promised his mom a prize at the end if he won. Like James said, "everyone in their has a parent that they want to help out"

Where is that cocky mother effer now. He could be fighting to stay in the house instead of curling up in a ball and crying. Come on Boston suck it up.

Matt went to Chelsia, Sharon and Sheila crying and telling them how he didn't want to spend his birthday alone in sequester and he fears being alone. Then switched over to how could he get their vote. Bwaaahhhh..what an asshole. He told them all how he can't understand why they can't give him an answer as to who they are voting for. He told them that Ryan was the one who put Chelsia up, took money from Sheila, and put James on the block.

Sheila was totally on board. Matt made total sense to her so she headed up to James to talk about voting to keep Matt in the house.

Julie starts the live voting:
Chelsia, Josh, Sharon votes to evict Matt
Natalia, Adam, Sheila votes to evict Ryan

This obviously leaves us with a tie which James needs to break as HOH.

He sends Matt out the door and I couldn't be happier. If the kids weren't asleep I would have jumped up and down and screamed.

Julie asked Matt about campaigning to James and he told her that he did and that "talking to James was like talking a wall." I went on to say that he didn't put James on the block he voted to get him out and he doesn't know why he is there.

He is there because he lied, plain and simple. Ryan and Sheila both told James that they had voted to keep him out. He continually said that he did not cast the vote against James to his face. Liar! It didn't have to play that way. He could have followed Ryan and Sheila and come clean on the vote then campaigned just like they did. Idiot.

Julie also asked him about his relationship with Nat and he said that she will be a good friend but it is not for him. He also said she would make someone very happy one day but it won't be him. Interesting. Wonder why.

Adam wins HOH and I am curious as to how Sheila will influence or not his vote. Will he let her in or will he finally kick her in the ass for being so rude to him in the house?

I personally can't wait to see what happens.

Here are some spoilers - check em out if you want.

Nat tells Josh that James and Chelsia are going on the block to avenge Matty.

Adam, Sheila and Josh talk about Adams power.

James and Adam talk about nominations over pool.

Adam has never been as popular as he is right now.

James and Chelsia get nominated

American Idol Elimination - Bye Amanda

Well I am shocked. There isn't much that shocks me anymore but last night when Amanda Overmyer was tossed out on her pretty little kester I realized that well, I need to get a life...
No, that I should vote before I bitch. No, that I can and will be surprised.

Carly, Kristy and Amanda were in the bottom 3. Scandelous!!

I didn't see Amanda in the top 2 but I did feel she would be in the top 6. I like her sound although I do know that it is not a sound that everyone likes. She is soulfull, is unique and strong vocally. Come on people if Taylor Hicks who I personally liked can win, why would Amanda be going home before Kristy Lee Cook, Ramiele Malubay or Syesha Mercado?

Oh well,

Enjoy some of Amanda's past performances and check her out because you know home girl will definity have a CD out in the next year.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Big Brother Recaps

Josh and Sharon tell Ryan he is safe.

Chelsia and Josh head up to HOH to tell James that Sheila and Nat are keeping Matt in the house. You would think that with Jame taking Sheila off the block she would do whatever he told her to THIS week.

Nat praying for the "good people" to win the game.

Pornstar conversation

Big Brother 9 - Episode 16

So Sheila and Ryan are on the block.

Matt tells Natalie that there should be more people in the world like her. Is he finally realizing that having someone obsessed with you can be more than just an obsession?She tells him that he fails to see that it is only natural for her to protect him.

Ryan and Josh sound as if they have an alliance but Josh isn't concerned of Ryan leaving the house.

Sheila and Ryan discuss being nominated. Sheila says they need a miracle.

Matt, Adam and Ryan have become the Bible buddies. I think it is cute that these guys discuss the bible at great length bringing it all back to Indiana Jones. The holy grail, the ark, etc. Matt asks if he wants to go find it if they win Big Brother. Baller or Adam says they will never find it because they "would need crazy tools and stuff."

Sheila apologizes to Adam for being a bitch at the beginning of the game. She obviously wants his vote.

Someone notices that there are blocks in the hamster cage spelling out POV. Nat tells Sheila to study the hamster cage. Sheila worries (and she is right) that she may not have the votes she thinks she has. She heads to her room to cry alone in her bed.

Nat heads outside to James, Josh, Sharon, Adam and Chelsia and they tell her how proud they are of her. She tells them about Sheila being upset about being on the block and how she said if Nat or one of them win POV and don't take her off she is going to be very upset.

The houseguests minus Sheila are hanging out discussing POV and together decide to pull one over on Sheila by telling her that they have to do the POV now. They all huddle together and run into Sheila's room yelling, "Sheila POV right now" waking her from sleep.Everyone acts very energetic with a lot of jumping around "oh my Gods" and whatnot. They run through the house, outside and sit waiting for Sheila.Sheila half dressed walks calmly to the sliders with the house guests shouting "let's go, let's go Sheila."James comes down from HOH and everyone asks what is going on now.James unable to keep a straight face says, "they said to wait for further instructions."

Sheila tells them they are "all full of shit".Everyone laughs and she heads inside smiling but is she happy?

POV name pulling transpires and James as HOH pulls Matt, Sheila pulls Chelsia and Ryan pulls Josh and since they have a "secret alliance" Ryan feels very safe.

Natalia really wants to play and James chooses her as the host.

The players have to transfer blocks over a balance beam to their container without dropping a block or falling. The fastest player wins POV.

Matt is the first one out right off the bat. As Josh said, "He's a roofer, you would think he had better balance." I agree.

Ryan was the second to fall off.

Sheila who was so worried about falling off was the next out for dropping a block.

Chelsia was the next one to fall.

James won POV by being the first to move all 500 blocks and close the tube with the POV.How exciting for him to be eliminated, be voted back in, win HOH, nominate and then win POV.

Sheila goes to Sharon, Matt and Nat tooting her horn and telling them what she has done for each of them. Nat tells her that this is a hard decision for her and Sheila is livid taking about how much she did to keep Nat and Matt in the house.

Sheila heads to Adam and asks if the decision for him is as hard as for Nat. He tells her that there is no decision to be made yet.

We see James playing pool with Matt and Adam. He tells us that he is uncomfortable being with them because he knows one of them is lying to his face. We all know that it is Matt.

Editing tells me that Sheila is about to tell James exactly what he wants to know.

Sheila who has just told Adam what a great person he is now flip flops and makes fun of him, his game and his dick.

James goes to Adam and motions for him to follow him. They head to HOH and James tells him that someone is throwing him under the bus with the voting situation.

Adam guesses who and he tells James that he voted him in. James is not convinced that Adam was the one who voted him back because of how abrasive and loud Adam seemed.

James runs into Josh and tells him that he is using the Veto. Josh asks who and James tells him that he will tell him later on.

James asks Chelsia to join him outside and tells her that he is putting Adam up. As a spectatur priviledge to see what is going on I actually feel very bad for B-B-Baller.

Chelsia tells James to think about what is right for him. He tells her he wants to talk to Sharon because he needs her vote to backdoor Adam.

Sharon heads up to James (I loved how Chelsia and Sharon played the game in order for Sharon to got to HOH without anyone thinking it was to talk to James) and he tells her that he is going to shake things up. She tells him that Matt was the third vote and you can see just how shocked he is. He was so certain it was Adam.James is livid and tells Sharon he is taking Sheila down and throwing up Matt. He likes the idea of Matt and Ryan sitting on the block together. But....didn't he tell Nat that she could take the fall at the last HOH competition and he would protect her and Matt this week?

James tells us in Diary "I made a promise to Nat to not put Matt up this week, but he's been lying to me so SCREW Em" Love it! Yeah James.

James calls the Veto ceremony (why does he wear those purple pants and mandoles? I hate it.)After Ryan and Sheila's speech, James tells them that he has decided to use the POV on Sheila. She is overcome and cries into her hands.James tells Ryan why he is there (you nominated me, I am returning the favor) and the he puts Matt on the block. He address Nat and tells her that when she asked for protection for Matt, he realized that she was not playing as two but as one and he had to break that up for the house.

Ryan feels better about being next to Matt on the block because he knows the house wants him out. Matt crying in Diary says he is at a lose for words and mostly makes fun of James' appearance. Sheila is shocked that she is off the block and Nat is pissed!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

American Idol Top 11

Last week was Lennon and McCarthy and tonight we are going to hear the Beatles.

Amanda Overmeyer sang "Back in the U.S.S.R." and of course sounds like she has been doing this all her life. I LOOOOVE Amanda. She just kicks ass and I love everything she sings.

Randy - Paula and I were sitting her saying this is the perfect song choice for you. You felt the energy of the crowd and picked it up in the middle. It was good.

Paula - It was a little sketchy at first. You were off with the timing.

Simon - It was what it was. I was predictable. It was a bit of a mess. It's the same thing, week after week. Do something that is a bit of a surprise. You are in danger of becoming a bit boring.

Kristy Lee Cook sang "You've Got to Hid your Love Away" and I actually loved her voice on this. I felt like I was at church for a moment. It was good until she got to the chorus for me so I am not sure what happens there. She has a very calm voice and I give her a 7 on this.

Randy - It was an interesting arrangement. The whole song should have been more emotional for you.

Paula - The is the best you have ever looked. You look gorgeous. IT was safe. It was good.

Simon - I think you need hypnosis. The problem is that you are not a good performer. It's like musical wallpaper. You notice it but you can't remember it. You are making no impact.

David Archuleta sang "The Long and Winding Road" and did a wonderful job. I adore his voice. He's cute and can sing beautifully while remaining vulnerable.

Randy - Check it out. You brought the hotness back to your game. That is the kind of song baby. Very nice.

Paula - For me this was the most exciting performance. The purity. You are wonderful.

Simon - Ok, David last week was a complete mess. This week I thought you were amazing. Absolutely. You made my point that you sell a song and b that you remember the performance. Master Class.

Michael Johns sang "A Day In The Life" seriously, does it even matter what Michael sings? I don't care if he sang a Doodlebop Song. Yeah baby. Sexy. Sing to me Michael. Grrrr.

Randy - You know what? You know what's cool. It wasn't one of your best. I still don't think you have chosen the right one. You of anybody can sing but you haven't found the one to do that.

Paula - You were incredible in rehearsal. You lose a connection with the audience because you are worried about how you hear yourself.

Simon - It was a mess. You didn't hit the right notes. It's a very complicated song and it doesn't work as a minute and a half song. You have got to nail the song like David did before you.

Brooke White sang "Here Comes The Sun" I really love this song. It reminds me of my youth. I grew up with this song playing on the radio. I really didn't love her voice on this song. I thought she tried too hard and I think her voice didn't suit the song.

Randy - That performance was awkward for me. You made a great point right there. You were never really connected to that song. It was not hot.

Paula - You can't help but smile when you watch you. I love the yellow for the sun. You have really good low notes. I think it could have been more challenging. You are a lovable girl.

Simon - I just knew that you would be dressed in yellow and the lights would be yellow. I thought the performance was terrible. From the horrible dancing. It was wet. It was forgettable.

David Cook sang "DayTripper" and man I love him more and more every week. He sounds like he sings this every day. He made the song his own and seemed very comfortable with it. What else can I say? He rocks. He threw the voice box in too.

Randy - Yo. Mr. Cook. I love seeing you every week. It was another song at a David Cook concert. It was another solid look for David Cook.

Paula - There is really not much else anyone else can say. You are ready to go sell records. You did the voice box in a cool way. Commercials are next.

Simon - I don't think that was as good as you thought it was. You lost your element of surprise. A bit predictable. I didn't like that version.

Carly Smithson sang "Blackbird" and she obviously did an amazing job. I don't think it matters what Carly sings. She will always do it well, professional, and perfect. I love the ending. It wasn't my favorite but it was good.

Randy - Another great performnce. Very emoted. Very controlled.

Paula - You have an amazing tone to your voice. The inflictions. The arrangement was beautiful.

Simon - So, Beatles song week two and you chose a song about a Blackbird. It was indulgent. Now you have made me feel uncomfortable because I feel like you are all broken birds.

Jason Castro sang "Michelle" ahhh..he is cute but I will have to close my eyes to hear him really sing. He did just ok for me. I swear this kid looks like Travolta to me. It was ok. Not his best.

Randy - Good choice. I love the song. Little interesting for me, for you. I don't know if I really got it. I don't know if you connected with me.

Paula - You have a distinct charm about you. I feel like you get a little disconnected when you are away from your guitar. It was alike a polka. It was awkward.

Simon - This is a very weird show tonight. I am not sure it was a good idea to do the Beatles again. Where you are lucky is that this a TV show and not a radio show because your face saved that. You are very charming. You are not obnoxious. Your goofiness makes it work.

Syesha Mercardo sang "Yesterday" and did a really good job. I liked the way she sang it. A guitar and nice and slow really worked for me. Best for Syesha so far.

Randy - Very good performance tonight.

Paula - It is great to see how you let yourself be very vulnerable. Connect with your eyes. Connect with the audience.

Simon - I thought that was your best performance so far. It wasn't incredible. You chose the best song. The song Brooke should have sung. I thought you sung the song very, very well. That song should keep you in the competition.

Chikeze sang "I've Just Seen Her Face" which he did a great job on. I would totally listen to this on the radio now. This might be the best for me tonight. Chikeze played the harmonica for the first time and well, it was ok. A little weird because it went from an R& B sound to a country song. Interesting.

Randy - So, there were some good and bad parts for me. I didn't get the slow part. The harmonica was weird. It could be a good country song. It was strange.

Paula - You are showing who you are. It was so pure on the ballad and then you show a whole different side in the scope of 1 minute.

Simon - I thought it started out ok and then you played the harmonica. Then it turned into achy breaky heart at the end.

Ramiele Malubay sang "I Should Have Known Better" it started out a bit weak. I didn't think there was anything really great about it. She was very mechanical.

Randy - I wasn't jumping up and down. You showed the confidence that is in there. It was happy go lucky. It was alright.

Paula - Better than last week. There is something about your voice when you sing ballads.

Simon - It sounded like Chikeze was on the harmonica. I like you. You have a fantastic personality. It sounded very amateurish. You chose very mediocre songs. It is what it is.

The best for me tonight: David Archuleta
Hottest: Michael John (Just have to put that in there because he was just on my TV screen)
The bottom 2 are: Kristy Lee Cook, Ramiele Malubay

I Dig Dreads

I have always had a thing for dreads. Mostly dreads with tan skin and light eyes i.e., Gary Dourdan from CSI who appeared in Janet Jackson's video Again in 1993. Yummy! Grrr...there was no one sexier than him in this video!!!

With Jason Castro on American Idol the dread thing has come up again. I have had a few discussions with friends about how I like dreads and everyone always says the same thing. "Yuck, that's dirty. That's just dirty hair." Yada, yada, maybe it is but I find it hot.

Having no idea as to whether it is dirty or not I decided to surf the net and find out just what makes dreads.

Here At they state and answer some of the myths surrounding dreads.
Rumor: You do not wash dreadlocks. Hair must be dirty to dread.
Fact: If you do not wash your hair it will stink. Dreadlocked hair needs to be washed regularly just like un-dreaded hair. You can wash dreads just as you would wash a sponge, by working the soap in and then squeezing and rinsing repeatedly to get all the soap out. Clean hair will actually lock up faster than dirty or oily hair. Because nearly every soap and shampoo on the market contains residues it was thought that clean hair does not dread quickly, when in fact it is the residues (conditioners, moisturizers, builders and fragrance holders) in the soaps that prevent hair from locking up. This is why we recommend washing you dreads only in residue free soaps and shampoos.

According to the How To website, creating dreads takes a lot of work.
Things You’ll Need:
1 quart of tap water
Beeswax or pomade
Fine-tooth metal combs
1 tablespoon of vinegar
Hairstyling software
Rubber bands
Hair accessories
Step 1:
Consider that dreadlocks work best on those with curly or very kinky hair. If you have thin, straight or wavy hair, you may want to give yourself a home perm with very thin rods. The perm will impart the needed texture.

Step 2:
Stop using conditioner a week to 10 days before you begin the process.

Step 3:
Mix about 1 tablespoon of vinegar mixed with 1 quart water. Rinse your hair with this vinegar-and-water solution the day you plan to start making your dreadlocks. This solution will remove any residue or buildup that may impede the process. You can also buy a residue-free shampoo and wash your hair with.

Step 4:
Begin with dry hair. Take a portion of hair about 1 inch square at the roots. Twist the hair tightly.

Step 5:
Pin the rest of your hair back with hair clips or put it in a rubber band so you can concentrate on one portion at a time. Back comb the section of twisted hair, beginning at the root and moving to the ends and then back to the scalp again. People with a great deal of texture in their hair might find that their hair stays in that tangled position after twisting and some combing, while those with less texture will have to comb quite a bit.

Step 6:
Add a dab of dreadlock styling wax, beeswax or pomade to each section after combing, then re-twist it. Wax will mold your dreads and help each lock stay twisted.

Step 7:
Secure the end of each dread with a rubber band, leaving some hair poking out. This step holds the twist and eventually gives your dreadlocks rounded ends. Complete the twisting process over your entire head.

Step 8:
Depending on your lifestyle or time frame, you might twist a few portions a day or your entire head in one sitting. Enlist the help of friends to create dreadlocks in the hair on the back of your head.

Step 9:
Twist, comb and wax on a regular basis to get your dreads to hold their shape. Remember that this hairstyle requires a lot of maintenance, so work on it while you watch TV, while you listen to music or whenever you find a free moment.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Amateur Book Review - Veil of Roses

Last night I finished Veil of Roses by Laura Fitzgerald and after P.S. I Love You I thoroughly enjoyed this book.

It is about Tamila, a 27 year old Iranian women who comes to America for 3 months on a birthday Visa from her parents to find a husband and stay in the States.

She stays with her older sister and her sister's husband, takes an English class, goes to Starbucks, and falls in love with America, her freedom and an American.

I liked this book for a couple of reasons. Tamilia is likable, the characters are interesting, the story witty, her potential husbands comical but the biggest reason is that I was reminded of how much I love my freedom. As an American I know we take this for granted. I try not to but I don't think we realize just how lucky we are to live in a Country where we have choices.

It was interesting looking through the eyes of someone who never knew freedom and watching her amazement as she acquaints herself with the freedom she and everyone should have if they so desire.

Her reactions to police, her friends, a free sample at Starbucks and sneakers were uplifting, humorous and captivating.

The ending was somewhat predictable and I wish that the conclusion I was hoping for, played out longer than the last 4 pages. I was happy with the ending and reminded of how "free" we really are.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Strange, Creepy and Yet Sweet

Need a Laugh???

Big Brother Video's

Nat put on the unitard for Adam, Ryan and Matt and Josh. Josh actually looked quite straight here.

Hide and seek with Nat and the boys - I find it hard to feel sorry for her sometimes. I almost forgot they were looking for an adult and not a child here.

The houseguests talk about how Amanda is really a tranny. "A Man Duh" conversation and all the reasons why they believe it.

Sheila and Ryan fight.

James and Chelsia in HOH after POV

James and Chelsia in bed in HOH

Houseguests pull one over on Sheila - tell her that BB called a POV.

Sheila after POV joke

Matt gives Nat a massage.

Matt and Nat the last ones standing during HOH competition.

Natalie and James during HOH competition. They make a deal and she drops to let him win.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Amateur Book Review - P.S. I Love You

I finished P.S. I Love You By Cecelia Ahern about 3 days and have been putting this post together since.
In 4 words, I didn't like it.

I was loaned this book by a dear friend who also didn't like it, however, like me wanted to see how it ended.

For me, the concept was great but the story was about 300 pages longer than it needed to be.

Writing was wordy, too many characters without story lines, and the main character lack depth.

The book was an International best seller, that was made into a movie with Hillary Swank, and I am still not sure why, other than the book was written so detailed (and not in a good way) it could be a movie script.
The premise of the book was very mature. Holly's husband passes away from a brain tumor and leaves her envelopes to open every month to help her cope with his passing. The writing though was wordy, dialogue was unnecessary and juvenile.

Never did I feel compassion for Holly, I couldn't stand her or her friends. Also, the million members of her family were completely unnecessary and I truly hated the anti climatic ending.

I would love to see this concept done by another author and I am interested in seeing the movie which I hear is quite different than the book. I should hope so.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Big Brother - Till Death Do Us Part - Episode 13 - Recap

Wow it was so good last night.

I loved that James was voted back into the house by the very same people who had just voted to evict him.

Nice twist BB.

Ok, I got a little ahead of myself there.

Julie Bot starts out telling us again about the twist where we America voted to bring back one of the evicted house guests.

The we get to see what happened after the Veto meeting where Chelsia took herself off the block and Ryan put James up.

Chelsia, and Josh try to intimidate Sheila but Matt steps in and Josh and him begin arguing but Sharon stops Josh who listens but quietly seethes that he was shhhh'd.

Sheila and Sharon chat and Sheila says her that she thinks Nat or Matt can win this. Sharon says, she doesn't think so because Matt has been playing both sides and telling everyone he has their back. She also tells her about Matt kissing her when she was HOH.

Interestingly enough Sheila asks if he is a good kisser. Ummm...why is she so interested? And if she was going to fly back to Nat to tell her about this kiss conversation why didn't she just ask Nat if he was a good kisser. Sheila DID kiss Matt wearing a mouth tray thingy so doesn't she remember?

She and Nat sit in the sauna and Sheila tells her all about the Matt and Sharon kiss.

Nat sit quietly and takes it all in. I think it was funny how all of a sudden she isn't sure if she trust Matt. He treats her like dirt what has taken her so long.

She feels that he is getting close to Sharon in her gut and is worried about Matt taking her to the end.

James walks in and Sheila and Nat tell him that will vote to keep him in the house.

Matt asks Nat if she is voting out James and she says "are you taking her or me to the end?" He seems to know what she is talking about so I wonder if editing had something to do with that because I would be confused if I were him. Her who?

Nat is jealous and angry and tells him she is not down with what went on upstairs and he tries to apologize in a way that only Matty can. She is pissed and tries to tell him to stop talking and let her talk or something like that. He tells her that if she doesn't want to be together, fine they are not together. He also tells her that he is moving out of the bed tonight. Poor Nat why is she so gullible?

The evicted houseguests are standing in front of the house and they are told that America voted to send one of them back in the house and that the houseguests will vote to either send them in or bring back the evicted houseguest.

Parker is told that he came in second and Alex is floored that America voted for him. He hugs Amanda and remains speechless.

James is evicted by a vote of 5:1. Chelsia is the only one who says good-bye.

James tells Julie when she asked why no one else got up what happened. He says that is how he wanted it.

The houseguests are told that they can bring someone that America voted for back in the house or bring back James. They start discussing and Julie who is trying to describe what is going to happen in case we are all idiots. Tells them "there is no talking here."

The houseguests other than Ryan, Sheila and Matt vote for James to come back.

I wish we could have seen Alex being told that he was not being sent back in. A little sad but I am happy James is back in the game.

He comes out of the box and there are screams of excitement and then they all head to the backyard for the HOH competition.

So exciting another endurance competition. Big Brother Disco. Everyone stands on a disk, holding onto a chain. They will be raised and lowered while spinning around. Champagne shots out at them and the last one remaining will be the new HOH.

The show ends with them spinning. But if you are looking for a spoiler....

James wins the competition. For a second week in a row an evicted houseguests comes back to win HOH. Interesting.

American Idol Elimination - David Hernandez

I have to admit I am a little surprised.

Yesterday I was certain it would be Kristy Lee Cook or Syesha Mercado. Thinking David had another week at least.

Oh well, what do I know?

Kristy, Syesha and David were in the bottom three and all sang their respective songs.

Syesha was told that she was safe, leaving Kristy and David in the bottom.

Bye David, I thought you had another week or two.

BTW...for some reason American Idol is doing Lennon/McCarthy again. Ok, if that is the case I want to hear:

Revolution - Chikeze
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds - David Cook
Strawberry Fields Forever - Brooke White
Imagine - Michael John
Stand By Me - Kristy Lee Cook
Just Like Starting Over - Ramiele
Live and Let Die - Amanda Obermeyer
My Love - Jason Castro

Watching The Wheels - Carly Smithson
Give Peace A Chance - David Archuleta
Magical Mystery Tour - Syesha

Here is a reminder of how good Chikeze, Amanda, and David Cook where on Tuesday.

Just because I think he is hella hot here's Michael Johns

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Big Brother Till Death Do Us Part - 13

Ryan - tells us how he feels close to Adam and Matt and how he struck a deal with Josh.

Sharon talks to Sheila about how the guys are sticking together or as she said, "penis's stick together."

Josh tells us it's a win win for him because he can bond with the guys and the girls trust him.

Josh talks to Ryan in HOH and tells him that he wants to trust Ryan. He tells him that he will tell him everything that the girls say because he fears Ryan and Matt might go after him.

James tells Chelsia that he has her back. She tells him that he has her back and she will not go home.

Matt disrespects Natalia in front of the house for the 500th time and she walks out saying she hates being around negativity. Ryan tells him that he feels bad for her.

Natalia goes to the girls and tells them how Matt treated her and they talk about how he has to go home. I agree. I would hate to see him win.

Josh goes to the girls with James and tells them that they should all go to Ryan and push to have Matt booted from the house. If he were to do this they would promise Ryan two weeks of safety. Now, why would Ryan do this? The girls say Ryan would never go for this. They tell Nat that this conversation better not leave the circle and she says "it won't."

Afterwards we see Matt hugging Nat in the bathroom asking if she is still mad at him? What is up with his sweat pants always being cuffed? It makes me crazy. He promises her that he will be nicer to her and that sometimes they have the act the "part" of being mad at each other. Huh?

Her face changes (he is playing her like a friggin fiddle) and she softens. She tells him that she knows some things that some people are trying to do.

He asks her what is being said and she spills everything including names over a "pinky swear." How old are these people again?

She tells him not to tell anyone and he says, "I'm only telling him."

Matt asks in Diary, "why would you ever tell the girl who was obsessed with me that you want me out of this house? That was a bad move!"

Matt scurries to Ryan and tells him everything he heard from Nat. Ryan says, this is great and Nat will be their source of info.

Josh goes to Ryan and offers up the deal that he already knows about. He let's Ryan talk and then tells him that he already knew about this. When Josh asks from who, Ryan says, "who do you think?" Josh knows it's Natalie.

Josh goes to the girls and tells them that Natalie told them everything.

Sheila is pissed, "she is blinded by him."

Ryan thinks possibly he should backdoor Matt.

POV is underway and they competitors pick names out of a bag. Ryan picks Adam to play the Veto. Chelsia picks Sheila and Sharon picks Josh.

Josh, Sheila, James, Chelsia, all shake hands with Ryan to give him two weeks safety if they back door Matt.

POV starts and they have to play a BB Pool game.

Sheila was eliminated in Round 1. She picked the #1 ball and got the VETO.

Sharon was eliminated next and she won a brand new motorcycle. Sharon chooses to trade with Sharon and takes the power of Veto from her.

Josh was the next person eliminated. His prize was a letter from home which he was very happy with.

Adam was eliminated next and won $10,000. He traded with Sheila and took the motorcycle. He says in Diary that she is a single mother and knows she can use the money. Sheila says she is looking at Adam differently because he did not have to do that.

Ryan wins the game and Chelsia goes over to collect her prize. She gets a slop pass and trades it in for the POV held by Sharon.

Ryan gets the last prize which turns out to be the unatard. Gross! I wonder if he will trade it in for the POV. He does, he trades with Sheila who was just $10,000 richer and gives her the unatard. She was devastated but he wasn't even thinking of why Adam had given it to her so I will not hold this against him.

Matt is very certain that Ryan will not be back dooring him, "there is as much chance as my mutha going up in the yad in a hot air balloon."

Chelsia, James, Josh and Sharon are in the pantry and Ryan walks in. Sharon tells him that she gives him 2 weeks and they all say again 2 weeks. She tells Ryan about Matt gunning for him from the beginning and how much she wants to be there. He tells her that she doesn't even have to tell him all that.

Sheila puts on the Unatard and struts her stuff. "Guys don't be jealous that I look hot, you know you want to get up on this." I think she took it very well.

Sharon commends Adam on giving Sheila the 10 grand and Sheila says that says a lot about his character.

Chelsia says something about not being selfish and that she shouldn't use the "single mom" card because people won't like that. Oooo...Sheila was pissed and I loved her saying that she would wash Chelsia's mouth out with soap.

Sheila goes to Adam telling him that the house is going to go after them. Then to Nat about the Chelsia conversation. She tells Nat that Ryan is going to backdoor Matt and that the house is using him to back door Matt.

She asks Ryan to talk with her and then tells him that the house is using him and that Matt and Adam are the only one's who will protect him and she doesn't want him to back door Matt.

I don't get it. Chelsia says something to Sheila that doesn't sit right with her and she is changing everything.

Chelsia holds the veto meeting and of course pulls herself off the block.

Ryan stands up to nominate again his next elimination. He puts up *gasp* James.

Matt is hysterical and full of himself telling the houseguests, "it's on" or whatever.

Ryan tells us in Diary that he is no body's bitch.

Sheila says she knows she is the mastermind and thinks James needs to go so that Chelsia "losses her little friend."

James feels played.

I actually was thinking that James was who I wanted to win this thing because I really don't care for any of the houseguests.

Josh is bitter, Adam is flying under the radar, Ryan is with Jen who I couldn't stand, Matt is a conceited asshole, Natalia needs therapy not money, Chelsia is a twit, Sheila is also bitter, and well I guess there is always Sharon. I guess I like Sharon. Ok, Sharon to win.